Jason's Projects

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MayoLink is a web based hospital application for ordering/resulting of patient tests. The three areas I worked on were Messaging, MayoAccess, and Order Entry. The messaging component allows users to send messages back and forth from Mayo to client hospitals. The MayoAccess link, links MML Test Catalog to the MayoLink application, giving user's a test catalog to browse when choosing tests. I worked on initializing the Order Entry screen along with getting a patient's demographic information.

Working in a team enviroment and being the lead programmer for the messaging component enchanced my leadership and teamwork skills. Learning to communicate my thoughts clearly and listening to the ideas of others made for long term business solution for application messaging.

  Electronic Test Catalog

The Electronic Test Catalog replaces Mayo's MayoAccess as it's online catalog. This application is not only comprised of Mayo's patient tests but Mayo affiliate's as well. This application really includes two parts. The Administration site, where tests can be defined, edited, deleted and published. Second is the Public site where application users can view one of the 52 catalog's tests.